Yogurt, Berries, Chocolate & Nuts – Elyse Wagner

Yogurt, Berries, Chocolate & Nuts

  By Elyse  , ,

May 25, 2017

This filling super simple yogurt can be enjoyed as a sweet snack, dessert or breakfast!

  • Prep: 5 mins
  • Yields: 1 Serving


1/2 cup full fat Greek yogurt

1/4 cup frozen berries

1/4 cup nuts or granola

6-7 chocolate chips

1 Tablespoon maple syrup (optional)


1Put yogurt in a bowl, pour frozen berries, granola and chocolate chips.

2Drizzle maple syrup over ingredients and enjoy!

FAB Tip: One of my favorite yogurts to use is FAGE (although full disclosure, it is not Organic or NON-GMO) but it is one of the only yogurts I have found with simple ingredients, no extra additives, no sugar and it keeps me full.  Feel free to share yogurts you've tried and loved.  Even the organic, non-dairy yogurts are full of sugar and extra ingredients.

For the chocolate on top, I love using Enjoy Life's allergen free dark chocolate chips.


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