High Calcium Tea

  By Elyse  ,

May 24, 2017

A grassy tasting herbal tea to calm your nerves and to strengthen your bones, skin and hair! Oat pods are rich in nutrients and minerals and provide great endocrine function while nourishing the immune system while nettle and horsetail act to remove toxins from the body.

*Antioxidant, *Strengthens Bones, *Immune Boosting

  • Prep: 5 mins
  • Cook: 15 mins
  • Yields: 1 Cup, 1 Serving


1/4 teaspoon horsetail

1/4 teaspoon nettle

1/4 teaspoon oat pods


1Boil 1 cup of filtered water.

2Pour the hot water over 1 tablespoon of herb and infuse for 15-30 minutes depending on the herb(s) of choice.

3Cover the pot when infusing herbs with a high volatile oil content.

4Strain herbs and press out as much liquid from the herb as possible.

5Enjoy your tea.

*Recipe from Rosemary Gladstar


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